Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Knights NCDC Main Camp

The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Knights will be holding their Main Camp Aug. 4-8, with a Goalies-only camp running Aug. 2-4.

To request an invitation, e-mail GM Andy Scott at ascott@wbs-usphl.com


Scan the QR code for registration.


NCDC Main Camp (By Invitation Only)

Aug. 2-4 (Goalies Only) 

Aug. 4-8

To request an invitation, e-mail Head Coach John Fusco at jfusco@wbs-usphl.com

Main Camp Location:
Revolution Ice Center
12 Old Boston road,
Pittston, PA




South Shore Kings Main Camp 

Join the South Shore Kings at the 2024 NCDC South Shore Kings Main Camp Aug. 3-5. Click graphic to register.













Boston Jr. Rangers/Railers Junior Hockey Club NCDC Main Camp

Join the Boston Junior Rangers and Worcester Railers Junior Hockey Club for their combined #NCDC Main Camp, to be held Aug. 5-7 at Worcester Ice Center. Open to players in birth years 2004-08.

Go to http://AxeHockey.com/MainCamp to register today!













Pueblo Bulls Main Camp 

Pueblo Bulls Main Camp will be held Aug. 8-10 in Pueblo, Colorado. All players interested please e-mail GM Tyler Tuneberg at ttuneberg@pueblobullshockey.com











West Chester Wolves Main Camp 

Sign up today for the West Chester Wolves' Main Camp, running Aug. 8-11 at the PNY Sports Arena in West Chester, Pa. Every player will play in a guaranteed four games, and there will be an All-Star Game.

For more information, e-mail R.C. Lyke at rclyke@westchesterwolves.com or Tyler Casillo at tylercasillo@westchesterwolves.com.












Thunder Hockey Club NCDC Main Camp 

The Thunder Hockey Club  will hold their Main Camp Aug. 16-18 at The Rinks At Exeter in Exeter, N.H.

Registration Link:













Seacoast Spartans NCDC Main Camp 

The Seacoast Spartans will hold their first NCDC Main Camp over Aug. 16-18 at The Rinks At Exeter in Exeter, N.H.

Registration Link:












Rock Springs Grizzlies Main Camp

If you are interested in the Grizzlies' Main Camp, running Aug. 30 through September 1, contact the Head Coach at Darren@RockSpringsGrizzlies.com.












Teams: E-mail media@usphl.com and/or tag tryouts on social media with #NCDCTryouts (and #USPHLTryouts for organizations with additional Premier/Elite teams) for tryouts to be added to this page. Also be sure to tag @USPHL and @NCDCJrHockey on X.