Tony | Achille | (F) | Arizona State Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Nick | Ahern | (LW) | Univ. of Vermont | Utica Jr. Comets |
Cade | Alami | (D) | Minnesota State Univ. (Mankato) | Jersey Hitmen |
Linden | Alger | (D) | UMass | Boston Bandits |
Erik | Bargholtz | (F) | Clarkson Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Joshua | Barnes | (C) | American International College | Jersey Hitmen |
Nic | Belpedio | (D) | Colgate Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Nate | Benoit | (D) | Quinnipiac Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Jake | Bernadet | (F) | St. Lawrence Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Nicholas | Bernardo | (D) | Long Island Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Nick | Bevilacqua | (G) | Bentley Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Jake | Black | (F) | Bentley Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Owen | Bohn | (F) | Augustana Univ. | Philadelphia Hockey Club |
Médrick | Bolduc | (F) | Northern Michigan Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Jake | Bongo | (F) | Sacred Heart Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Artyom | Borshyov | (D) | Lindenwood Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Ryan | Bottrill | (F) | Clarkson Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Jack | Brackett | (F) | RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.) | Boston Bandits |
Tate | Brandon | (G) | UMass-Lowell | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Jack | Brandt | (F) | Colgate Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Jude | Brower | (D) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Junior Bruins |
Mike | Brown | (D) | Lake Superior State Univ. | Junior Bruins
Simon | Bucheler | (G) | Mercyhurst Univ. | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Ryan | Buckley | (D) | College of the Holy Cross | Junior Bruins |
Mickey | Burns | (LW) | Mercyhurst Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Tim | Busconi | (D) | Dartmouth College | Boston Advantage |
Artem | Buzoberya | (LW) | Bentley Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Jake | Cady | (C) | Stonehill College | South Shore Kings |
Aidan | Carney | (F) | Univ. of Maine | Islanders Hockey Club |
Ian | Carpentier | (C) | UMass-Lowell | Junior Bruins |
Brian | Carrabes | (F) | Minnesota State Univ. (Mankato) | Islanders Hockey Club |
J.J. | Cataldo | (G) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Jersey Hitmen |
Matt | Cato | (C) | Univ. of Vermont | Jersey Hitmen |
Harrison | Chesney | (G) | Northeastern Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Lee | Chiang | (F) | Robert Morris Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Chase | Clark | (G) | American International College | Jersey Hitmen |
Warren | Clark | (D) | St. Cloud State Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Anthony | Cliche | (D) | Northern Michigan Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Tyler | Coffey | (F) | Colorado College | Jersey Hitmen |
Michael | Colella | (F) | Canisius College | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Reilly | Connors | (C) | St. Lawrence Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Caden | Cranston | (F) | Merrimack College | Rockets Hockey Club |
Tyler | Cristall | (F) | St. Lawrence Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Cole | Crusberg-Roseen | (D) | Western Michigan Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Ryan | Davies | (D) | Stonehill College | South Shore Kings |
Mitchell | Day | (G) | Niagara Univ. | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Chris | Delaney | (C) | UMass-Lowell | Junior Bruins |
Mateo | Dixon | (C) | Univ. of Vermont | Jersey Hitmen |
Jackson | Dorrington | (D) | Northeastern Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Braden | Doyle | (D) | Niagara Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Kristoffer | Eberly | (G) | Ohio State Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Daniel | Ebrahim | (LW) | Sacred Heart Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Will | Elger | (F) | Providence College | Jersey Hitmen |
Spencer | Evans | (D) | Brown Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Michael | Felsing | (F) | Robert Morris Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Kevin | Fitzgerald | (D) | Univ. of Connecticut | Rockets Hockey Club |
Riley | Fitzgerald | (F) | Mercyhurst Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Gavin | Fitzpatrick | (G) | Stonehill College | South Shore Kings |
Oliver | Flynn | (C) | Univ. of Connecticut | Junior Bruins |
Dominic | Foglia | (D) | Colgate Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Colton | Friesen | (F) | Augustana Univ. | Thunder Hockey Club |
Thomas | Gale | (G) | College of the Holy Cross | Junior Bruins |
Jason | Gallucci | (D) | Penn State Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Briggs | Gammill | (F) | Yale Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Willyam | Gendron | (C) | Sacred Heart Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Brendan | Gibbons | (C) | Air Force Academy | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Andrew | Gilbert | (D) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Jersey Hitmen |
Will | Gilson | (D) | RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.) | Rockets Hockey Club |
Billy | Girard | (G) | Boston Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
James | Goffredo | (D) | RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.) | Junior Bruins |
Henry | Graham | (G) | Lindenwood Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Peyton | Grainer | (G) | American International College | Jersey Hitmen |
Nick | Grimaldi | (F) | Ferris State Univ. | South Shore Kings |
David | Grosek | (C/LW) | Miami Univ. (Ohio) | WBS Knights |
Zach | Hahn | (D) | Univ. of New Hampshire | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Tanner | Hartman | (F) | Brown Univ. | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Tucker | Hartmann | (D) | Yale Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Nolan | Hayes | (D) | Northeastern Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Ryan | Healey | (D) | Harvard Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Timothy | Heinke | (RW) | College of the Holy Cross | South Shore Kings |
Max | Helgeson | (F) | Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage | Rockets Hockey Club |
Logan | Heroux | (D) | Ferris State Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Jack | Hewitt | (D) | Brown Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Will | Hilfiker | (D) | Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks | Rockets Hockey Club |
Rylee | Hlusiak | (RW) | Sacred Heart Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Tyler | Hotson | (F) | RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.) | Islanders Hockey Club |
Blake | Humphrey | (C) | Lake Superior State Univ. | Rochester Monarchs |
Frank | Ireland | (F) | Stonehill College | Junior Bruins |
Jackson | Irving | (G) | UMass | Islanders Hockey Club |
Greg | Japchen | (D) | Robert Morris Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Connor | Joyce | (C) | Boston College | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Ryan | Keyes | (G) | Merrimack College | South Shore Kings |
Andrew | King | (F) | Brown Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
George | Krotiris | (W) | Robert Morris Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Shane | Lachance | (LW) | Boston Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Pat | Lawn | (D) | Bentley Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Cy | LeClerc | (F) | Univ. of New Hampshire | Islanders Hockey Club |
Luca | Leighton | (F) | Long Island Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Luis | Lindner | (D/F) | Univ. of New Hampshire | Junior Bruins |
Finn | Loftus | (D) | UMass | Rockets Hockey Club |
Dylan | Lugris | (F) | Penn State Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Cameron | Lund | (C) | Northeastern Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Gabriel | Lunn | (D) | Robert Morris Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Isaac | MacLeod | (RW) | St. Lawrence Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Cameron | Mannion | (D) | Stonehill College | South Shore Kings |
Christian | Manz | (G) | Augustana Univ. | Philadelphia Hockey Club |
Jason | Marsella | (D) | Yale Univ. | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Hunter | McCoy | (F) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Islanders Hockey Club |
Connor | McDonough | (G) | Ferris State Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Will | McDonough | (C) | Harvard Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Liam | McLinskey | (F) | College of the Holy Cross | Jersey Hitmen |
Karter | McNarland | (F) | Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage | South Shore Kings |
Harry | Meirowitz | (D) | Brown Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Anthony | Messuri | (F) | Northeastern Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Andy | Moore | (F) | Northeastern Univ. | Thunder Hockey Club |
Ian | Moore | (D) | Harvard Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Logan | Morrell | (F) | Michigan Tech | Islanders Hockey Club |
Edward | Moskowitz | (LW) | College of the Holy Cross | South Shore Kings |
Hunter | Mullett | (D) | Arizona State Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Alex | Musielak | (G) | Boston College | Utica Jr. Comets |
Ben | Muthersbaugh | (LW) | Union College | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Tyler | Nasca | (D) | Mercyhurst Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Zach | Nicolas | (F) | Stonehill College | Northern Cyclones |
Nicholas | Niemo | (F) | Univ. of Maine | Islanders Hockey Club |
Billy | Norcross | (C/RW) | Northeastern Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Mack | Oliphant | (D) | College of the Holy Cross | Junior Bruins |
Jack | Olson | (G) | Colgate Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Evan | Orloff | (D) | St. Lawrence Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Joshua | Orrico | (D) | Univ. of Michigan | Islanders Hockey Club |
Tyriq | Outen | (G) | Long Island Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Jack | Page | (D) | Boston Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Jack | Pascucci | (D) | Univ. of Connecticut | Junior Bruins |
Pierce | Patterson | (D) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | South Shore Kings |
Eli | Pilosof | (C) | Union College | Northern Cyclones |
Michael | Polston | (G) | Long Island Univ. | Provo Predators |
Grant | Porter | (F) | Canisius College | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Joey | Potter | (D) | Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage | Thunder Hockey Club |
Caleb | Price | (D) | Mercyhurst Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Patrick | Reilly | (D) | Princeton Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Nicholas | Rexine | (C) | Colgate Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Nick | Ring | (F) | Univ. of New Hampshire | Boston Advantage |
Colin | Ronan | (G) | Lindenwood Univ. | Northern Cyclones |
Ryan | Rosborough | (F) | St. Cloud State Univ. | South Shore Kings |
Michael | Rubin | (D) | Sacred Heart Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
David | Sacco | (RW) | Merrimack College | Islanders Hockey Club |
Michael | Sacco | (F) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Daniel | Sambuco | (F) | Univ. of Vermont | Jersey Hitmen |
Aaron | Schwartz | (F) | Quinnipiac Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
T.J. | Schweighardt | (D) | UMass-Lowell | Jersey Hitmen |
Trey | Scott | (D) | Univ. of Connecticut | Junior Bruins |
T.J. | Semptimphelter | (G) | Univ. of North Dakota | Junior Bruins |
Arseni | Sergeyev | (G) | Penn State Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Joe | Sharib | (G) | Union College | Connecticut Jr. Rangers |
Talon | Sigurdson | (F) | Clarkson Univ. | Thunder Hockey Club |
Jack | Silich | (F) | Ferris State Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Owen | Simpson | (D) | Univ. of Connecticut | Junior Bruins |
Cameron | Smith | (G) | St. Lawrence Univ. | P.A.L. Jr. Islanders |
Trevor | Smith | (C) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Jersey Hitmen |
Joe | Solimine | (C) | College of the Holy Cross | Junior Bruins |
Ryan | Spinale | (F) | Colgate Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Samuel | Stitz | (F) | Air Force Academy | Thunder Hockey Club |
Connor | Sullivan | (D) | Yale Univ. | Islanders Hockey Club |
Connor | Sweeney | (F) | Univ. of New Hampshire | Islanders Hockey Club |
Evan | Szary | (G) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | South Shore Kings |
Sebastian | Tamburro | (LW) | Colgate Univ. | Junior Bruins |
Trevor | Taulien | (D) | Ferris State Univ. | Boston Advantage |
Kaleb | Tiessen | (D) | St. Cloud State Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Steven | Townley | (F) | Dartmouth College | Jersey Hitmen |
Will | Traeger | (C) | Boston College | Jersey Hitmen |
Nick | Traggio | (D) | Brown Univ. | Jersey Hitmen |
Gunnar | VanDamme | (D) | Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage | Rochester Monarchs |
Sean | Vlasich | (D) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Jersey Hitmen |
Zachary | Wagnon | (F) | Yale Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Ronan | Walsh | (F) | Univ. of New Hampshire | New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs |
Johnny | Wescoe | (F) | Niagara Univ. | Rockets Hockey Club |
Cameron | Whitehead | (G) | Northeastern Univ. | Utica Jr. Comets |
Barron | Woodring | (C) | Army (U.S. Military Academy) | Rockets Hockey Club |
Tyler | Young | (RW) | Merrimack College | Islanders Hockey Club |